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FlipGrid Logo.png

FlipGrid is an app the Ms. Melvin and Mr. Cagle are going to begin using to have students submit videos of themselves playing their instruments for evaluation or comments. This is not something that we will only use during our time of Virtual Learning but will also be something utilized when we return to school.


Signing up for your class is very easy, below you will see a link labeled for our 6th, 7th grade and 8th grade classes. You will sign up for YOUR class using your email, it must be either a Gmail account or Microsoft account (if you don’t have either, your student email “” is a Microsoft account) OR you can download the FlipGrid app and use the code for your class listed below.


Once you sign up you should see different “Topics” where you can submit videos based on the instructions. There is a topic up today "Pick a Scale, Any Scale!" that everyone should complete. We will let you know when new topics are up! HAPPY PLAYING!

7-1 (1st Period) Code: awt71band2020
7-2 (2nd Period) Code: awt72band2020
8-1 (3rd Period) Code: awt81band2020
8-2 (4th Period) Code: awt82band2020
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